[Towertalk] odd mobile question

Ken Cechura kcechura@umr.edu
Sat, 7 Dec 2002 18:24:30 -0600

Ok, last time I asked a mobile antenna question on a reflector, I got
told to take it here.  Hopefully someone has done something similar or
can help.
I want to install my HF rig in my truck.  I already have a multitude of
VHF equipment installed (scanner, V7A, APRS, and a CB).  My truck has a
tonneau cover.  the soft kind with a metal frame.  has anyone
experimented with loading up such a cover for HF use?  I know 80M might
be a stretch, but ill bet I could get 10-20 on it.    The metal frame IS
insulated from the truck body via some foam tape on the edges.
I have an antenna switch I was planning on using so that I can use the
CB antenna mount with a hamstick or two, but was just doing some
thinking over dinner tonight...  thought it might be worth a shot.  

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