[Towertalk] 40-2cd on 30 metres
Sun, 8 Dec 2002 13:06:53 -0600
A better solution is to Gamma Match the boom
of a High Band Yagi or Tribander as a rotary dipole
on 30M (or 40M). I have posted the technique I
used on a 3L20 and TH6 on this reflector several
times in the past. It has also been published in
the NCJ (National Contest Journal).
Horizontal 80M dipoles work VERY WELL as current fed
Long Wires on all 3 WARC Bands. There are 4 primary lobes,
roughly 30 degrees from each end of the wire, with smaller and
narrower lobes in between.
I have worked over 320 countries on each of the WARC
bands using only various dipole antennas.
Tom N4KG
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