[Towertalk] Ground the coax braid on LPDA or not?
Louis Sica, Jr.
Mon, 9 Dec 2002 18:40:08 -0600
Hello Steve
Chuck was the one who recommended to me to ground the coax at the top of the
tower, but other local hams who've had Tennadyne LPDA's (T10's) have told me
how they've noted performance degredation after grounding the coax. So I'm
not quite sure who to follow, the manufacturer, or real-world data from
someone whose opinion I respect.
Message: 5
From: Steve Katz <stevek@jmr.com>
To: "'Chuck Counselman'" <ccc@space.mit.edu>, towertalk@contesting.com
Subject: RE: [Towertalk] Ground the coax braid on LPDA or not?
Date: Mon, 9 Dec 2002 13:42:35 -0800
I'd call Chuck at Tennadyne and ask him.
The T8 and other Tennadyne LPDAs have square aluminum booms that are
insulated from their support mast because the booms themselves are the lines
which connect all the elements, and thus conduct all the RF current. I
would imagine the booms are hot with RF to the tune of the square root of
P*R, all the way along their length.
"If everything seems under control, you're just not going fast enough." -
Mario Andretti