[Towertalk] crank up "fit"
Dino Darling
Mon, 16 Dec 2002 11:16:16 -0800
First, never put ANY body part near the tower when going up and down!!!
One could argue that as you crank the tower up and it hits the STOPS near
the top that it removes any play out of the system as it binds. This would
only work on the first two sections to hit the stops. All the sections
would have to be PERFECT in order for all the stops to hit at the same
time. This would also put a larger strain on the cabeling system.
In the real world, it does not matter where the tower is as far a "slop" goes.
I have removed many older towers that used to have small pieces of flat bar
(folded) that you could place just below each tower section in order to
remove the weight off the cables. This required climbing the tower to
place the flat bar though. I have noticed that there is "less play" when
using the flat bar as the section is not "hanging" by the cable.
One real scary tower used ONE CABLE through 5 sections. As you cranked up
the tower, the first section would raise all the way to the stop and PULL
the second section up...and so on. While bringing the tower down, if
anything bound, sections would move up and down on their own until the
weight was equalized! The flat bar helped this problem a lot!
New towers with multiple cables don't have this problem. It does make me
wonder if the transfer of weight from the flat bar to one of the cross
members on a new tower would damage that cross member at all. It is now
carrying the weight of everything above it!
>I'll ask this again since I really didnt get much of response before, and
>it was buried in another lengthy post...
>Just bought a crank up, never thought i would but couldnt pass the deal up...
>Im not sure how to posit this question... On any of these crank-ups I
>realize one can stop it anywhere in between fully extended and retracted,
>but does the tower "lock-up" tighter when fully extended vs. wobble when
>ony partially so ? Or is the mechanical "fit" the same at all points on
>the way up?
>I realize that the entire load is held by the wire rope in any case, but
>what about the "mechanical lockup" for lack of a better term.... does the
>tower "lock up" better when at its full extension any better worse than at
>some other partial setting ? Is the "fit" of the sections tapered or
>identical at all settings? Im trying to describe the lateral
>inter-section mechanical "fit"....
>is the inter-section "wobble" a constant, or does it tighten up at full
>tough to describe what i am thinking..... all the same query, different
>what if i put my head inside one of the lower sections while cranking it
>up to check the bottom of the rotor plate out ?