[Towertalk] Climbing Stuff

Barry Kirkwood bjk@ihug.co.nz
Tue, 17 Dec 2002 16:12:00 +1300

No expert myself, but some things that I have found useful:

(1) www.qsl.net/n1lo

An excellent symposium on tower topics, including good links to stuff on =
climbing, safety equipment etc.

(2) Use a static line and Prusic knot or rock climbing "ascenders" which =
are like a ratchet running on a line, lock on when load is applied. Up =
the tower using twin lanyards, drop down a D12.5mm dynamic climbing rope =
attached to top of tower. Attach Prusic or ascender to the line, hooked =
to your belt or harness by a permanent lanyard. This way you are NEVER =
unattached. Drop the static line at the end of your tower maintenance or =
installation, come down using lanyards. The line will deteriorate if =
left to weather (especially in VK, ZL, CE and LU!).Or you can use a =
double rope technique, only need to climb up once unattached.=20

(3) If you learned about ropes, knots etc in the Boy Scouts or the like =
a long time back, give yourself a refresher course from one of the rock =
climbing technique web sites. Old time techniques presupposed hemp ropes =
etc and are likely dangerous when applied to modern synthetic ropes. =
Also lots of modern knotting techniques are easier than the old ways.

(4) I don't know how it is around your way, but over much of the =
urbanised world you can find indoor rock climbing walls complete with =
professional instructors who can teach you lots of things that make =
tower work safer and easier. Take your girl friend, she will probably =
enjoy a date with a difference! And you just might get some jollies from =
the raised adrenalin level.

Barry Kirkwood PhD ZL1DD
Signal Hill Homestay
66 Cory Road
Palm Beach
Waiheke Island 1240
ph/fax 64-9-372-5161

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