[Towertalk] Roto stripper
Mac Mail
Wed, 18 Dec 2002 23:21:56 -0600
Roto stripper [ company name ] makes a handheld tool that looks simular =
to a handheld engraving tool.. it has three offset fingers that are bent =
at 90 degrees and in the off position these fingers are open and you can =
just sorta stretch out you wire to be stripped and turn up the tool =
speed as it is varible.. and the centrifugal force close's these blades =
and the stripping begins and ends in a flash .. and pooof you got good =
clean wiree to work with.. this works on most all round wire from about =
#30 up thru the bigger sizes.. there are three tool sizes to end up =
working with wire into the " ought ranges " on the bigger rectangle =
wire we used a torch and sandpaper .. then silver solder.. but isnt =
this #28 a little light duty for antenna work.. good luck mac/mc
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