[Towertalk] Double protection - climbing

EUGENE SMAR spelunk.sueno@prodigy.net
Thu, 19 Dec 2002 15:22:24 -0500


     Here ya go:  http://www.buckinghammfg.com/arborist/rwl.html  .
Lineman's belt and positioning strap are from Buckingham.

73 de
Gene Smar  AD3F

-----Original Message-----
From: n4kg@juno.com <n4kg@juno.com>
To: TOWERTALK@contesting.com <TOWERTALK@contesting.com>; n4zr@contesting.com
Date: Thursday, December 19, 2002 2:35 PM
Subject: Re: [Towertalk] Double protection - climbing

It would be nice to find a source of fixed length
>braided nylon lanyards with 30, 36, 42, and 48 inch options and
>safety rated snaps.
>Tom  N4KG
>On Tue, 17 Dec 2002 Pete Smith <n4zr@contesting.com> writes:
>> At 08:15 PM 12/16/02 -0500, Dick Green wrote:
>> >Once the positioning
>> >lanyard was above the guys, he unhooked and stowed the free end of
>> the fall
>> >arrest lanyard until the next obstruction. Once at his destination,
>> both
>> >lanyards were used for maximum safety. Again, I wondered whether
>> it's really
>> >safe to climb with just the positioning lanyard attached.
>> Obviously, it's
>> >better than free-climbing, but is it safe?
>> I find it easy to envision problems climbing with the positioning
>> lanyard
>> around the tower, because it's too easy to imagine sliding down to
>> the next
>> guy station, which could be quite a distance below.  At least you
>> don't
>> fall away from the tower, so presumably you can grab something.
>> When I climb, I use a fall-arrest lanyard on the back D-ring and my
>> positioning lanyard hooked to one of the hip D-rings.  Going up I
>> hook one
>> on a rung as far above me as I can reach, while looking at it to be
>> sure.  Then I unhook the other one (which by this time is between my
>> feet)
>> and just let it hang while I continue clmbing till the first lanyard
>> is
>> between my feet, and repeat the cycle.
>> I figure that if I were to fall while climbing, I'm gonna get
>> bruised
>> whether the current fall-arrest protection is in the middle of my
>> back or
>> on one hip, but it sure beats getting dead.
>> 73, Pete N4ZR
>> Sometimes a tower is just a tower
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