[Towertalk] Antenna Advice
Chuck Counselman
Sun, 22 Dec 2002 16:17:13 -0500
At 10:26 AM -0600 12/22/02, Jim KJØM wrote:
>For 10-20 meters, including the WARC bands, have you considered the
>Force 12 Model 5BA? That's what I'm using. It's the D model, rated
>for 100 MPH.... It's 15 elements on a 33 foot boom and works
>extremely well for me. It doesn't solve your 30-40 meter problem,
>but personally, I am considering the Force 12 230/240, which is 2L
>on 30 and 40 interlaced on 1 boom.
This combination (a Force 12 230/240 and a 5BA) appeals to me, too.
What can anyone tell us about how properly to stack them? In
particular, how far apart should they be on a single mast above a
70-ft. tower? (I assume that the 230/240 should be above the 5BA.)
-Chuck, W1HIS