[Towertalk] tower search

Dinsterdog@aol.com Dinsterdog@aol.com
Tue, 24 Dec 2002 19:19:01 EST

Looking for what would be considered a "quiet" tower.  Moving from Wyoming 
back to Denver and the new home will allow for anything I want in the yard.  
No restrictions, BS, covanants, ordinances, etc.......it just has to be 5 
feet back from the property line.  Needless to say, it will be close to the 
house (small lot) and I wonder if anyone out there knows of a "quiet" tower.  
I had a tubular crank up tower that rattle all night and the one BX tower 
here at the ranch rattles as well.  The tower will have to be self supporting 
and either crank up or fold over.  I know that they all whistle a bit in a 
wind..........but just going 55 feet plus or minus a few feet with a planned 
3 element Fluid Motion beam on top- Any tower suggestions?

73  Paul  N0AH


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