[Towertalk] Rohn 6
Mike Brown
Wed, 25 Dec 2002 07:37:14 +0000 (GMT Standard Time)
You guys really have my curiosity up now. I may be using a Rohn 6. I have
40ft of it up, and it was given to me around 6 years ago for helping take=
down. It had some surface rust on it, and I was a bit concerned about it,
but our local tower climber said to clean it up, and paint it, and it sho=
be ok. He took it down, put it up, and has been up it quite a few times t=
change some things for me. The face of it is 11.5", which is close to Roh=
25, and I did buy a used Rohn 25 rotor plate that fits it ok. It has a TH=
on it, plus a Comet omni 10ft above that. I'll put the link to my web pag=
on here so if you want to take a look at it, I would appreciate it. Maybe=
should think about replacing it in the spring! Thanks...=0D
Mike - K9MI=0D
-------Original Message-------=0D
From: Scott Millick=0D
Date: Wednesday, December 25, 2002 04:46:05=0D
To: towertalk@contesting.com=0D
Subject: [Towertalk] Rohn 6=0D
I had one in 1958 with a TA33 and then a TA36 It survived a ice storm at =
39 feet I later put it up about 10 miles away for 6 and 2 and it was =0D
nicknamed old shaky. I have two sections that I used for a Oscar antenna =
before I moved. Heck for $300 Id sell u 7 sections of Rohn 25=0D
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Towertalk mailing list=0D
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