[Towertalk] 160mtr vertical with tower

Bruce Snow wy8g@redbird.net
Thu, 26 Dec 2002 15:12:47 -0800

In my backyard is my 180ft. tower 18 inches wide.10 ft. of mast pipe =
extend skyward from the crown of the tower
and on top of the mast is 20 more feet of a 450mhz 8 bay folded dipole =
and hustler G7-220.All of my guy wires hit fiberglass guy strains at the =
tower so none of the guys electrically touch the tower.My ambition is to =
turn this tower into a 160/80 mtr vetical.Also on the mast pipe is a =
Mosley Pro-56.It seems the more I read the more confused it seems to me =
on where to tap the tower.Any ideas would be much appreciated.Thank =
you,73 from WY8G.Bruce

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