[Towertalk] ef/240/230
Biondi Stefano IK5MEJ
Tue, 31 Dec 2002 11:16:02 +0100
Hi guys
Anyone using Force 12 mod. EF240/230 ( 4 el. on the some boom ..2 el on =
40 m. and 2 el. on 30 m.)?? Or someone know how is working?? We want to =
purchase it and so we need to know somethingh more..I would like to put =
this antenna in the middle between a klm lol periodic 13 - 30 mhz with =
30 ft boom and a M2 6M2WL for 50 mhz 9 el. with 40 feet boom.The =
distance between one from each other is around 13 feet. Would you think =
about this antenna set up and the distance is it to narrow ??
Thank you in advance..and HNY to all=20
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