[Towertalk] re water pipe ground

Pete Smith n4zr@contesting.com
Tue, 31 Dec 2002 16:54:49 -0500

Oh, I don't have a bit of doubt that you're right -- once inside my 
station, all bets are off.  I have very little confidence in the integrity 
of my various jumpers, etc.  I also have no way of knowing how much of the 
birdies, etc. are getting into the radios via the power wiring, either 
being conducted straight into the radios or re-radiated to various cables 
in the shack.  I have a skillion conductors that could be implicated.

This monitor I just got rid of, however, was truly special.  It literally 
radiated a significant magnetic field at 60 Hz and RFI all the way up.  A 
Sony -- worst choice I ever made.  I used to believe in them...

I just thought you went a bit too far in saying that you could also get rid 
of powerline RFI this way -- my response would be, only if it isn't being 
received by your antennas!

73, Pete N4ZR