[Towertalk] Ham M slippage?

Dave Hachadorian k6ll@juno.com
Tue, 31 Dec 2002 23:59:28 +0000

On Wed, 01 Jan 2003 01:19:03 -0500 GEORGE PRITCHARD <ab2kc@optonline.net>
> Thanks to all who responded. The rotor is pinned to the mast pipe, so 
> the mast cannot slip in the U-bolts. When the rotor "slipped", the 
> control indicator always matched the slippage, so I know that it was 
> the rotor slipping and not any of the U- bolts. I actually watched 
> the indicator move about 30 degrees in two seconds and stop during 
> the big wind gusts. I suppose if the wedge slipped over the bell 
> houising during the wind gusts, and that all the gears moved as well 
> as the motor shaft. I think I'm lucky that the gear teeth were not 
> sheared off. All seems fine today. The wedge brake holds the rotor 
> when I power the motor while leaving the brake engaged for a quick 
> test, but I'm sure this is no comparison to the wind stress 
> experienced the other night.The cubex heavy duty 1.5 inch rigid 
> spreaders are really strong, I hope it all stands up to ice loading 
> this winter... I let you all know. Happy new year,
> George AB2KC 

The four self-tapping screws that hold the two halves of the
Ham-M together may be coming loose. This allows the lower half-
housing to wobble, sometimes allowing the brake to slip. It's
worth a trip up he tower to check. If two screws fall out, the
remaining two will shear off. These are not the screws that
secure the rotor to the shelf, but the ones halfway up the
rotor that hold the housings together.

Dave Hachadorian, K6LL
Yuma, AZ