[TowerTalk] Re: Universal Aluminum Tower

S. J. Blackwell w5lu@hotmail.com
Wed, 06 Feb 2002 16:55:42 +0000

I have had a 60 foot Universal tower up for over 20 years. I moved two years 
ago and moved the tower at that time. There has never been a problem. I did 
obtain from the company (a long time ago) a study by a P.E. I believe he was 
in Miami. From this was obtained a study that upgraded to 100MPH and I added 
a 1.5:1 safety (ingorance?) factor. Now the bad news. The tower was taken 
down with a crane with the following findings: 1)The sections were the devil 
to get apart as they had basically almost fused together, but this should be 
no surprise. 2) Most disturbing was the finding that the grade 8 bolts that 
attach the legs at the bottom to the feet that were in the concrete base had 
under gone electrolysis. They had virtually melted away. They were wasp 
waisted in their mid portions and had deteriorated at that point that I 
could easily bend and break them with my fingers. The base was in fair shape 
with some rust and deterioration.
   Universal sends the base sections painted and recommends that they be tar 
dipped, as I recall. On this occasion I requested they be sent unpainted and 
had them hot dipped galvanized. I would strongly recommend that the bolts 
undergo periodic (not every 25 years) replacement. I believe this can be 
done insitu one at a time on a calm day.
The only damage in the years was when a straight line wind estimated to be 
about 100 MPH hit the neighborhood and did a large amount of damage to the 
neighbor's houses, roofs off etc.(The old train coming sound) At that time a 
tree fell and took two elements off the 205BA that was up. A few limbs hit 
the tower, but luckily did no damage.
Would I use it again? I already have. It seems unlikely that you can go much 
over 60 feet with much wind load, however. I don't think aluminium is a bad 
construction material if used properly. This has already been a topic of 
debate on the reflector.
Good luck,
sorry for the long wind
Sam Blackwell, W5LU

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