[TowerTalk] Re: Inverted L vs. Shunt fed tower

Tom Rauch W8JI@contesting.com
Tue, 1 Jan 2002 17:37:58 -0500

> the two examples, i.e. Shunt fed tower vs. Inverted L, for a DX
> antenna? I am thinking about such things as angle of radiation,
> efficiency and ease of matching or any other parameters that would
> enhance the antenna for low angle radiation.

With a good ground system, say at least 30 radials at least 100 
feet long, it matters very little which of the two systems you use.

If there are high ground losses, the amount of top loading can affect 
the results a noticeable amount. In that case you'd want to make 
the L longer than 1/4 wl, or use a tower with enough "stuff" on top 
current is maximum 1/2 way up the tower.

An L might be somewhat easier to install, but if you do that be sure 
the tower is bonded into the radial system.

73, Tom W8JI

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