[TowerTalk] should you WAX your antenna
Mon, 14 Jan 2002 15:27:50 -0800
At 01:22 PM 2002-01-14 -0600, FireBrick wrote:
>;-))) (No DX and I'm bored)
If she is crazier than I, then I shan't sleep with her, but if I sleep with
her will I be crazy enough to be crazier than she. OR
If I am crazier than she, then she shouln't sleep with me, but if she
sleeps with me, she will certainly be crazy.
What's DX?
>Never sleep with anyone crazier than yourself.
>Bill H. in Chicagoland
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same place that pays for the hosting of this list: The eHam Store.
Order online at http://store.eham.net.
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