[TowerTalk] DX
Larry L Moore
Sun, 20 Jan 2002 05:57:25 -0800
The VP8 guys made a very smart move on 20 meters ssb.
They decided to transmit on 14.145, which is legal there, and recieve on
14.200- up. Why was this spread smart??
Because it gets rid of all the crazies/policemen/drunks. They know they
are just in the noise at 14.195 but OUT OF BAND they stand out like a
sore thumb, are clearly operating illegally-- and will shortly be
identified. If they "jam" in the pileup nobody knows so thats no fun.
Where do you get ICE bandpass filters & beverage matching boxes? The
same place that pays for the hosting of this list: The eHam Store.
Order online at http://store.eham.net.
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