[TowerTalk] DX
Bill Otten
Bill Otten" <res0958z@verizon.net
Sun, 20 Jan 2002 13:48:23 -0500
Mike, I'd have to agree......and just as bad were those using recordings of
their call and apparently 'love' to hear their own call going out, without
ANY hesitation or pause to listen. Incessantly transmitting their call while
listening to the split was/is just horrible, they were doing this in the
hopes that the constant barrage would get a response (maybe just to SHUT
THEM UP). I noticed one new tactic also lately -- using an obnoxious
phonetic rendition of a call with nauseating emphasis on the different
syllables, I can't even put an example into words adequately. All his of
course, on SSB.
Bill (KC9CS)
----- Original Message -----
From: "Mike" <W4EF@dellroy.com>
To: "TowerTalk" <towertalk@contesting.com>; "Larry L Moore" <km6iu@jps.net>
Sent: Sunday, January 20, 2002 1:27 pm
Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] DX
> Yes, that was a good idea, Larry. I was appalled by how
> undisciplined the pileup was on 30M CW. It was if everyone
> was calling blindly not listening to the DX station at all. They
> would come back to a very specific callsign and everyone
> continued to call as if by some slim chance they thought the
> VP8 had busted their callsign so thoroughly as to morph it
> into something completely unrelated (DL9XYZ was just a
> busted version of N6ABC, yeah right). You could tell that
> all this stupidity was really slowing down the VP8. I can't
> understand how people can be so stupid so as to think that
> calling over the top of a station which the DX has clearly
> answered will increase their chances of getting through.
> Makes me ashamed to be a ham.
> 73 de Mike, W4EF................................................
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