[Towertalk] Coax Conduit

David k4zzr@bellsouth.net
Fri, 05 Jul 2002 13:25:48 -0400

Gee guys, thanks for all the input on my conduit question.....I think I'll
put in some 21" pipe just in case I need to pull something really big
through it later on....haha.....but seriously, I've already run the 1 1/2"
pipe (electrical underground stuff) with 90 degree sweeps, and I think I'll
come up along side the concrete base (digging and pouring this weekend
5'x5'x6') instead of through it.   And then, I'll run an additional 2" along
side the first one.    I feel a bit inadequate, cause I'm only using 3/4"
pvc for my 100' run out to the HF6V.   So I'll be the first to admit - yours
is bigger than mine.

Some great ideas and advice, I especially like the suggestion to put a "T"
fitting inline for drainage, I'll do that for sure.

Thanks again and 73,
David, K4ZZR