[Towertalk] CD 45 II rotator

Jim White k4oj@tampabay.rr.com
Wed, 10 Jul 2002 01:08:46 -0400

are you getting the full resistance value all the way across the pot?

are you seeing two values which add up to the same when you measure each

If these two match but you do not see a varying indication my guess is that
the arm which keys into the upper housing of the rotor is not in its notch -
perhaps that sheet copper piece has bent a little and no longer has a finger
to point into the void on the upper half of the rotor housing...

This would be - yup the rotor turns but there is no sign of it by the meter
but sho' nuff' that sucker is a spinnin'

FWIW - when debugging the rotor on the ground, etc I always set the pot on
the control box to its middle setting - I see the two extremes in terms of
degrees on the indicator and then adjust the pot so it reads half way
between the two....then, I leave my rotors pointed North - that way when you
get topside you know exactly where to point the beams before you cinch down
on the u-bolts....might save you another trip!

----- Original Message -----
From: "Kelly Taylor" <ve4xt@mb.sympatico.ca>
To: <towertalk@contesting.com>
Sent: Tuesday, July 09, 2002 10:48 PM
Subject: [Towertalk] CD 45 II rotator

> Hi all,
> Thanks to Don, VE3RM for faxing me the Hy-Gain rotator schematics and
> K1TTT for the resistance chart. Was a great help in figuring out
> connectorization without having to do a climb.
> I've got the wires hooked up and get proper turning, proper limit stops
> no meter indication.
> So I have another question: does anybody know the extent to which the
> direction indicator pot swings voltage as the rotator is turned? I do get
> 12-13 volts DC at the shack end of the indicator conductors that swings by
> tenths of a volt as the rotator turns. Didn't really measure the time
> interval for the swing, but the tenths change at roughly half-second
> intervals.
> Is that normal? Does that indicate a problem in the box or in the cable?
> Thanks,
> Kelly
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