[Towertalk] Guy Wire Tensioning-WAS Lost My Tower

Pete Smith n4zr@contesting.com
Sun, 14 Jul 2002 16:35:20 -0400

At 04:25 PM 7/13/02 -0400, K7LXC@aol.com wrote:
>In a message dated Fri, 12 Jul 2002 9:38:49 PM Eastern Standard Time, 
>weightdn@adelphia.net writes:
> > The question of the moment is, what is a good way to grip 3/16 guy wire 
> with
> > a come-along to get the initial tension on it? I plan on using preforms on
> > the guys if that has any bearing on methods.
>     The easiest thing is to use one PreForm as a temporary and then
>just throw it away when you're done. Just hook the comealong to it -
>you don't have to wrap it the whole way.

Credit this one to W9LT, at my first tower-raising -- since we're talking 
temporary, he just put a single cable clamp on the guy wire and then tied a 
rope "above" the cable clamp with a slip knot.  Simple, positive and 
cheap.  If more than hand tensioning is needed, a come-along is easy to 
bring into the mix.

73, Pete N4ZR

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