[Towertalk] Cubex 2 element 5 band quad wire dimensions

dan hearn dhearn@ix.netcom.com
Mon, 15 Jul 2002 01:15:32 -0700

Danny, are you familiar with L.B.Cebiks modeling work with quads? You
will find a great deal of information on all types of antennas on his
web site at www.cebik.com. click Tales and Technicals. Info on 5 band 2
el quads including dimensions is available at
http://www.cebik.com/quad/quad4.html  He has written a 2 vol set of
books on quads also. The first vol is particularly informative I think.
He looks at the different feed systems and their effect on performance.
Individual feed lines are best. Next is a relay system which shorts or
opens 1/4 wave lines to a relay box. It is best to use DP relays to
break the shields of unused lines. 73, Dan, N5AR

Danny wrote:
> Hi ,
> I'm thinking of rebuilding my 3 element Cubex to a 2 element 5 bander.
> Anyone on the reflector have the manual handy and willing to e-mail me
> the wire dimensions for a 2 element 5 band ?
> Need to verify some things in Eznec before proceeding.
> Thx
> 73 Danny - ON7NQ -
> ON7NQ@pandora.be
> http://users.pandora.be/ON7NQ
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