[Towertalk] Looking for Antenna Suggestions

Kevin Nathan k7rx@attbi.com
Tue, 16 Jul 2002 05:49:09 -0700

Hi All,

Earlier this summer, I purchased a Broadbander antenna from W9Inn and
erected it this past weekend.  I am not blessed with unlimited space for
antennas so this one went up in place of my trusty G5RV.  This antenna works
on 40, 80 and 160 meters.  My son and I put in a modest radio system of 8
radials under it.  On air tests showed it was resonant about where it should
have been according to the frequencies I gave to Bill, W9INN.

On air tests were disappointing indeed.  The only band on which it lived up
to my expectations was 160.  On 80 comments ranged from "get a new antenna"
to a gentle "you're not as loud as usual".  Tests on 40 were somewhat
similar.  I should note these were at all distances.  Now, Many may believe
I am criticizing the antenna.  This is not the case.  I believe the fault
lies in my installation situation in which I had the antenna running
vertically for 45 feet at a maximum distance at the base of 6 feet from my
50 foot 25G and coming as close as 3 and a half feet at the top.  I believe
the tower was absorbing my signal on 80 and 40.

Now, for the suggestions I seek.  I am going to send this antenna back, use
my G5RV for rag chewing on 80 and 40 and shunt feed my tower for 160 and 80
meter DXing.  The G5RV seems to work pretty well for DX on 40.  I have a
tribander for 20, 15 and 10 so am in need of a good antenna for the WARC
bands.  This needs to be either a wire antenna or a vertical.  Does anyone
on the list have any suggestions as to what I might use?  Are there any
verticals out there made just for the WARC bands?  I've been looking on the
internet and seen a couple of references but no one says what the antennas

I would certainly appreciate any assistance here or suggestions.  Thanks
much to all and 73.

Kevin, K7RX :)