[Towertalk] FW: [adxa] QST Contest Results and Section News in QST
Gerry Smith
Wed, 17 Jul 2002 15:14:24 -0600
I have sent the below message to my ARRL division director and copied
other directors. There is an ARRL board meeting on Friday & Saturday
this in which they will consider the removal of Section News and
Contesting Results from QST. If you have views on this matter, you
should email your director immediately.
Gerry Smith, W6TER
-----Original Message-----
From: Gerry Smith [mailto:w6ter@worldnet.att.net]
Sent: Wednesday, July 17, 2002 3:08 PM
To: 'Walt Stinson, Rocky Mountain Division'; 'Art Goddard, Southwestern
Division'; 'Bernie Fuller, Atlantic Division'; 'Coy Day, West Gulf
Division'; 'Dennis Bodson, Roanoke Division'; 'Frank Butler,
Southeastern Division'; 'Frank Fallon, Hudson Division'; 'George Isely,
Central Division'; 'George Race, Great Lakes Division'; 'Greg Milnes,
Northwestern Division'; 'Jay Bellows, Dakota Division'; 'Jim Maxwell,
Pacific Division'; 'Rick Roderick, Delta Division'; 'Tom Frenaye, New
England Division'; 'Wade Walstron, Midwest Division'
Cc: adxa@yahoogroups.com; abqham@yahoogroups.com; 'Robert Williams,
Wyoming SM'; 'Jeff Ryan, Colorado SM'; 'Joe Knight, New Mexico SM'; 'Mel
Parkes, Utah SM'
Subject: [adxa] QST Contest Results and Section News in QST
Walt Stinson, W0CP
Rocky Mountain Division Director, ARRL
Dear Walt:
I urge you to vote to keep both Section News and Contest Results in QST.
In New Mexico, Section Manager, Joe Knight, reports that after polling
many meetings that he has attended, that the membership overwhelmingly
wants Section News and Contest Results to remain in QST. Further, Joe
reports, that as high as 40% of the membership in New Mexico does NOT
have access to internet. It has been estimated that 30,000 to 40,000
members of ARRL do not have access to the web. A comment uttered by
several members to one section manager was, "If they take it out I will
not be getting what I want and will drop QST [membership]."
As you know, Walt, Headquarters did a poll of Section Managers via the
Section Manager reflector. The results run approximately five to one (5
to 1) in favor of keeping Section New and Contest Results in QST.
I do applaud the work Headquarters has done in making section and
contest information available on the ARRL web site. Please view this
work as a very nice adjunct to printed information, not as a
I know the removal of Contest Results and Section News is "your baby."
However, I do expect you to represent your constituency in this matter.
Your constituency does not want them removed.
Gerry Smith, W6TER
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