[Towertalk] Wun-Derr Antenna
Wed, 17 Jul 2002 21:01:21 -0700
Is the main backer those of ENRON who ran it?
At 11:54 PM 2002-07-16 -0400, tttt ccccc wrote:
>Wang-Chung Wun, Phd and Herr Professor Doktor Phlim-Fflamm Derr are
>pleased to
>announce a revolution in amateur radio antennae:
>Pro-Limited-Elite-Platnium-Titanium-Ultra-Extreme XL-5" Amateur Radio
>Covers DC thru infrared with a maximum SWR of 1.1 per computer model
>Only 3.1416....meters tall. (sounds irrational but it is not)
>Can be mounted vertically, horizontally or underground without affecting
> performance. Ideal for locations with restrictive zoning.
>Handles maximum leagal power on all bands.
>"Contestor" option available on special order handles up to 35 MW
> 3 meter cyrogenic hardline system, sold separately)
>No ground or radials required due to exclusive "Kirk" feed system used
> under license from Kobiashi-Maru Industries, LTD.
>Approved for use by members of the Ohm-Borg Resistance is Futile
>Contains no Oh-Zone depleting chemicals.
>Antenna completely biodegradable, not made from rain forest woods.
>Digital compatible.
>Furthermore, the Wun-Derr antenna is unconditionally warranted to
>a direct hit by a low-yield thermonuclear device. If the antenna fails
>to perform
>afterwards, your full purchase price, including shipping will be
>The Wun-Derr antenna is a result of pioneering work by Dr. A. Lee Hahn
>at the Groom Lake Institute. By combining Element 118, polywater and
>fusion, Dr. Hahn discovered what he dubbed "F ractal R egeneration A
>U ltra D irectivity." Following his untimely death as the consequence of
>neuralizer malfunction, Dr. Hahn's work was continued by Professor Derr
>El Universidad de los Bobos in Ciudad de Guano del Toro, Banana Republic.
>Herr Docktor professor holds the Barnum chair in Improbable Physics at
>El Universidad de los Bobos. He was joined by the esteemed Dr. Wun,
>a graduate of the elite Death to Running Yellow Dogs of Capitalism
>in Yu-noh Province, China. Following a sabbatical at the Glorious
>Revolutionary Gang of Four Re-education Camp #116, he went on to gain a
>Phd in Advanced Pseudo-Scientific Obsfucation at the noted Smash the
>Bloated Plutocrats of Imperalism Technical Institute.
>Together, this team discovered a method of combining wide bandwidth,
>extremely high Q (exact figure classified but well in excess of 143,000)
>a new super-duper conductor......Zerohmium (tm) which was necessary
>to confine the wave pattern regeneration restrictor.
>Theory of operation:
>The incoming electromagnetic wave is separated into polar and sub-polar
>segments by a patented "synchro-spastic inverse phase disgronificator."
>The polar segments are then directed to a "Purple-Hayes" uncontrolled
>beam hexer where they are mixed at high pressure with anti-gravitons.
>sub-polar segments are held for @ 3.97642 femtoseconds in a neural-node
>reflux path chamber before being allowed to migrate through a
>nanotube gate array matrix to the plate of a cyclotronic accelerator.
>The short
>delay permits the formation of a micro wormhole within the space-time of
>reflux chamber. The resultant is combined in a Jeffries Tube plasma
>reactor and reformed as bagel dough. This produce is then heated to 5.6
>degrees K where it again becomes electromagnetic energy and passes
>an entropy compensator. After compensation, it is directed through a
>sequence carbon>argon>lithium>obscurium transformation and energy gain.
>Appropriate torus magnetic (erstaz-Tokomak) containment fields are
>to control anti-lepton barometric radiation. (FDA, NRC approval pending)
>Charmed and strange quark crackers provide up-down polarity
>while mu-psion matrices in a kryptonite refracting concentrator convert
>remaining cyclomatic prongazoids into left-right polarity. Pre and post
>eludium-236 magnetic amplifiers are responsible for aft-fore polarity
>Gain over an isotropic source computer modeled at .0017 dB.
>This produce endorsed by Dr. Timothy Leery who states:
> "I understand completely the operation of this device.
> I am the walrus, I am the eggman; pardon me while I
> kiss the sky."
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>Self Supporting Towers, Wireless Weather Stations, see web site:
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>additional 5 percent off
>any weather station price.
>Towertalk mailing list