[Towertalk] Jim, good catch!

Dale L Martin kg5u@hal-pc.org
Wed, 17 Jul 2002 23:43:44 -0500

And so it goes full circle....Elements of Style, third edition, p62:
Unique...There can be no degrees of uniqueness.

Next subject!

dale, kg5u

> Forgot about Strunk and White!  Pg 50, Irregardless should be
> regardless.  The error results from failure to see the negsative
> in  -less
> and from a desire to get (sic) it as a prefix, ...
> Chris opr VE7HCB
> At 01:08 AM 2002-07-17 +0000, Eddy Avila wrote:
> >Check "The Elements of Style" by E.B. White, pg 44 ..../73 ....ed
> >
> >