[Towertalk] TET antenna

Bill Baker n5umh@cox.net
Sun, 21 Jul 2002 08:18:45 -0500

I have acquired a TET 3F 35DX tribander that has been up for a number of =
years. It is a 5 element yagi with
trapped reflector, 3 radiating elements and a trapped director. It is in =
good shape except for the end caps=20
on the 4 traps. They are either deteriorated or gone altogether. I do =
have a copy of the antenna dimensions=20
sheet that must have been part of the manual. I can probably fashion =
some trap end caps from something
but wondered if anyone might have a "junker" laying around that had some =
decent covers on it still, along with
any documentation on this antenna.
Bill Baker, N5UMH
Norman, OK

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