[Towertalk] ...and the world stopped turning

Matt & Carrie Trott aa7bg@3rivers.net
Mon, 10 Jun 2002 23:07:55 -0600

Just thought I'd pass on the news that my Yaesu SDX1000 rotor finally gave
up the ghost. Am I upset? Not really, I am actually amazed that it has
performed quite flawlessly for the last six years turning a 402CD (at 95
feet) 12 feet above a 205BAS with a 1015DB duobander in the middle. The
winds in northcentral Montana are nasty and consistent. I'm surprised the
old puppy held together as long as it did.

FYI, the last time I checked, the U.S. city (population of 50k or greater)
with the highest daily average wind speed was Great Falls, MT. That's here
man. The next windiest was Casper, WY. Chicago came in at number 17.



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