[Towertalk] The Snake Antenna

Nathan, Kevin KevNathan@DSB.WA.GOV
Fri, 14 Jun 2002 08:47:25 -0700

Hi All,

I am exploring low noise receive antenna options for 80 and 160 meters for
something I can use with the external receive antenna option on my TS-2000.
One of the antennas I remember hearing about some years back was the snake.
In looking this up, I find it is described in W1FB's Antenna Notebook.  My
problem is that I'm blind and it isn't, as far as I know, available in
accessible format and my wife who is a nontechnical person has difficulty
sometimes describing electronics related things to me.

Does anyone on the list have a good basic description of this antenna you
could send to me in electronic form?  If so, I would really appreciate it.
Also, if anyone has some good ideas for a low noise receive antenna other
than this which might work on two or more bands, please also email me.  I
have an Ameco PT3 available so preamplification isn't a problem.  Please
send private responses with cc to k7rx@attbi.com since this is my last day
in the office for a week.

Thanks much and 73.
Kevin, K7RX

Kevin Nathan, Independent Living Coordinator
Dept. of Services for the Blind 
3411 S. Alaska
Seattle, Wa 98118
Voice:  (206) 721-6450
Cell:  (206) 604-4767
Toll Free:  (800) 552-7103
Fax:  (206) 721-6403
Email:  kevnathan@dsb.wa.gov