[Towertalk] 468/f - don't bother, here's why ARRL dropped it.

Chris BONDE ve7hcb@rac.ca
Tue, 25 Jun 2002 21:09:16 -0700

So, all we are doing is using more sofisticated methods to arrive closer to 
what some think is the correct.  (The reason that I say such is that I have 
read discussions on the correctness and refining of the various modelling 
Now, I would like to be able to do all the modelling and am trying to move 
in that direction.  However,  the formula certainly gives a very good 
approximation, especially if one wants to find out if there is enough room 
to put up the atnenna.

Chris opr VE7HCB

At 10:40 PM 2002-06-25 -0400, Guy Olinger, K2AV wrote:
>This is just so folks know what the dipole length = 468/f business is
>Note below the wild variation in resonant frequency, impedance, and
>SWR limits, just by changing height.
>The formula just doesn't come real close except in a few spots,
>notably 30 feet up, maybe the height of the infamous Newington alley
>dipole? The table is why ARRL quit publishing the formula.
>Pick 40 meters. 468/7.150 is 65.4545 feet. EZNEC 3, High accuracy
>ground. #12 wire. 15 segments. Use fixed font to view table.
>Height    Z @ 7.15    SWR50 SWR75  Z @ F RES   1.8:1 SWR @ Z=75
>20'  50.6 - j  6.2   1.13  1.50  51.4 @ 7.177  7.052-7.309
>30'  74.8 - j  9.1   1.53  1.13  75.9 @ 7.191  7.003-7.398
>40'  87.0 - j 24.9   1.94  1.41  91.5 @ 7.267  7.132-7.355
>50'  84.8 - j 41.7   2.25  1.70  90.4 @ 7.352  7.129-7.575
>60'  73.1 - j 50.0   2.42  1.94  77.2 @ 7.386  7.178-7.602
>70'  60.4 - j 47.4   2.35  2.06  63.7 @ 7.361  7.193-7.544
>80'  55.4 - j 37.2   2.01  1.90  59.2 @ 7.310  7.167-7.480
>90'  59.5 - j 27.8   1.70  1.60  63.7 @ 7.270  7.116-7.459
>100' 63.4 - j 25.4   1.70  1.44  73.1 @ 7.265  7.081-7.478
>I am a bit mystified that some are apologetic for this formula
>It is only accurate at one height, 30'. The resonant center of the
>antenna is either out of band or near the band edge above that height.
>The 75 ohm SWR varies from near unity to over 2:1 at the design
>frequency. The range of impedances at resonance is almost two to one.
>If a 40 meter Force 12 antenna had a resonance center at 7361, a SWR
>of 2 at the design center, and N6BT tried to defend it, you'd be after
>him with tar and feathers. I've seen hugely critical posts for a
>fraction of this variance.
>This should show the danger of extrapolating small or single sets of
>old data. Or for that matter trying to simplify something naturally
>complex. It really takes a height table to do a cut/solder/string it
>up dipole.
>And for how long did 468/f rest resplendent in the books,
>unquestioned, until Joe Common Ham got his mits on antenna modeling
>Arrival angles, guy wire anti-resonance lengths, beware.
>73, Guy.
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "Joe Reisert" <jreisert@jlc.net>
>To: "Guy Olinger, K2AV" <k2av@contesting.com>; "Bill Hider (N3RR)"
><n3rr@erols.com>; "tongaloa" <tongaloa@alltel.net>;
>Sent: Tuesday, June 25, 2002 11:18 AM
>Subject: Re: [Towertalk] Guy wire resonance. Break it up or use stubs?
> > Guy,
> >
> > I think if you look back a few years (perhaps 20-25), the whole
>theory of
> > guy resonances was first mentioned and explored by the late Jim
> > W2PV, and I think he provided the info that is now in the ARRL
> > Furthermore, none of the so called WARC Bands (12, 17 and 30 meters)
> > in existence at that time.
> >
> > As for the 468/F formula, that is for a half wave wire with
>insulators on
> > the each end. the assumption here is that the insulators shorten the
> > by 5%. No magic but a loose approximation for the simplest cases as
>we all
> > now know.
> >
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