[Towertalk] F12 C4XL or C4SXL Which to buy?

Peter Sundberg sm2cew@telia.com
Wed, 06 Mar 2002 14:44:06 +0000

Fellow towertalkians, regarding Jims questions;

Am I right in assuming that the F12 yagis are designed for 20, 15 and 10
mtrs and 17/12 mtrs only work because there is a load at the end of the
coax and you need to use a tuner to operate there..  
Performance on those bands seems mediocre at the most. Kinda like stating
that a 20 mtr monobander also works on 17 and 12 mtrs.. of course it does.

Or am I missing something ?

73/Peter SM2CEW

At 07:27 2002-03-06 , you wrote:
>Hi all,
>Getting ready to replace the old HyGain TH3 with something better.  Have 
>decided on the F12 C4 series with the 2 el 40 as this seems to best fit 
>the constraints of my 33 x 120 ft city lot.  (Gotta get something on 40 
>better than the present droopy dipole.)  The antenna will be at about 50 
>ft.  Rotor and mast will be upgraded as required.  Main interest is 
>contesting.  Trying to decide between the XL and the SXL.
> From looking at the specs I don't see any significant difference in 
>gain or F/B between the two models.  
>The XL has better 2:1 SWR bandwidth on 10 (1.5 MHz vs 1.1 MHz) but do I 
>care?  i.e. How often am I going to be above 29.1 in a contest?  Also, 
>the most power I run in a contest is 150W and the MkV can put out 200W 
>so I should be able to get 150W into the antenna at frequencies higher 
>than 28.1 even if the SWR is getting up past 3:1.
>On 12m the XL max SWR is about 3.2:1 vs about 4:1 for the SXL but it 
>isn't a contest band so that isn't much of an issue.
>SWR specs are identical for the other bands.
>The SXL is smaller, lighter and cheaper than the XL.
> From the above it would seem that the appropriate choice for me is the SXL.
>I would be interested in any comments as to the validity of my choice. 
> i.e. do you know something that I don't about these antennas which 
>might swing the choice the other way?
>TIA for your help.
>73 de Jim Smith    VE7FO
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