[Towertalk] Great Tower Deal in Carson City

Dick Flanagan W6OLD dick@twohams.com
Thu, 07 Mar 2002 10:02:28 -0800

The following is from Dennis K7BV in Carson City, Nevada.
Please contact him at k7bv@aol.com


Okay, you tough shoppers, you have sweated me out and won.

I still haven't sold my motorized HDX555 (near new condition) and the moving
day to CT is set for March 23.  Nobody stepped up with the previous asking
price of $2,900.  So, here is the hot deal you have all been waiting for.

Total Price based on pickup from my QTH in NV -
Best offer received via email by 8:00 PM Pacific, Saturday March 9th over


WRTC2002 Special All-Heart K7BV Deal -
If the selling price is $2,400 or more, I will donate 5% of the proceeds to
WRTC2002 in the name of the buyer.

The package includes:
My neighbor's backhoe to pick the tower up and on to your trailer
HDX555 crank up tower
MD75 motor package
Rotor plate
Bottom tilt base
Mast crank assembly
Tower tilt-over crank and steel arm assembly
New concrete anchor bolts

The package Does Not include:
Beer money for the antanna crew
Sweat to dig the base hole
The hole

Rush to you keyboard and lets see those offers !

73 Dennis K7BV