[Towertalk] Template for CDE Rotator Needed

n4kg@juno.com n4kg@juno.com
Mon, 11 Mar 2002 12:10:50 -0600

Another alternative is to mount the rotor on standoffs,
oversize nuts can be used around the mounting bolts.
This allows the cable to come out under the rotor,
facilitating removal for service without having to first
remove the cable.

Tom  N4KG

On Mon, 11 Mar 2002 "Eric Rosenberg" <wd3q@erols.com> writes:
> My new (to me) roof tower has a solid (i.e., no holes) mounting
> plate for a Yaesu rotator, which has its control cable coming
> out the side. 
> I use a TR-44 rotator, so I need to (have a metal shop) cut a
> hole in the plate for the control cable to run through to the
> bottom of the rotator.
> Where can I find a template for the rotor? 
> Thanks in advance,
> Eric W3DQ
> Washiongton, DC
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