[Towertalk] Unidentified Verticals @ CG installations
Wed, 13 Mar 2002 11:47:23 -0500
I've DF'd in on several of these from my sailboat. They're
marine nav beacons in the 190-220 KHz band.
Just follow the null in the fog, and you, too, can run into
that pier!
In covering several Gulf Coast hurricanes as a news reporter back in the 1970s
and 80s I've ended up at numerous oceanside Coast Guard stations along the
Texas and Louisiana gulf coasts. I always asked to look at their
communications gear, etc after making contact with the officer in charge
(actually rode out one hurricane with the half dozen crew members who stayed
behind at one station). At nearly every one I noticed they always had a large
(looked like fiberglass possibly HF) vertical antenna mounted on the end of a
pier with what looked like 4-6 inch wide copper strips down the support and who
knows how far into the water. By the side of it, usually 20-30 ft. tall, it
definitely didn't appear VHF Marine related.