K6RB k6rb@baymoon.com
Thu, 14 Mar 2002 09:03:16 -0800

I have an old Tri-Ex tower (W-51) that was put up in August 1984 and on
which I have changed the cables only once - a month ago! It survived about
half a dozen storms of 80 mph peak winds, and the cable never failed. It had
a 10 foot galvanized mast and a KLM KT 34-XA on it until last August. It now
carries a 20 foot chromoloy mast and stacked Force 12 antennas. I replaced
the original cables with new 3/16 , 7x19 cables and plan to replace them
more frequently with the greater load the tower now carries. In the past I
left it at full height unless there was a storm forecast or strong winds
that were evident. Now, I keep it up when I know I'll be using the station
frequently, but retract it when it will be unused for long periods.

Rob K6RB

----- Original Message -----
From: "Sherman Leifer" <Sherman@mscomputer.com>
To: <Towertalk@contesting.com>
Sent: Thursday, March 14, 2002 6:57 AM
Subject: [Towertalk] CRANK UP TOWERS

> I have been a Ham for over 47 years and have lived in many different
> I have had many crank up towers from various manufacturers over these
> years.  During this time I have had three towers, where the cable has
> broken and the tower came down vertically destroying all the antennas and
> the tower itself.  The latest just happened on an 89 foot crank up.
> The reason for this post is really to determine if others have experienced
> the same problems I have over a number of years, and to compile a list of
> towers by manufacturer and model numbers that I can then post the
> statistics for all to see.
> So, if you have had a crank up tower where the cable has busted and the
> tower then came down vertically, please send me an email letting me know
> your location by city, the tower Manufacturer and model number, and I will
> compile all the statistics and let everyone know the results.
> Please let me at this point, assure all of you that I will not mention
> anyones name or call sign in this report.
> Best 73 to all.
> Sherman
> (Soon to be W2FLA
> Reply to sherman@w4fla.com
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> needs.
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> Cartridges.
> http://www.wirelessweatherstation.com Fantastic Wireless Weather Station.
> Http://www.towerdepot.com ............20-100 Ft Self Supporting
> Communication Towers.
> Phone Numbers:
> 800-333-9041 (USA Only)
> 973-263-9041
> 973-316-0653 Fax.
> 973-299-1000 Technical Support
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