Stan & Patricia Griffiths
Thu, 14 Mar 2002 11:36:11 -0800
Hi Sherman,
Gathering all of this very interesting crankup tower data is a "double edged
sword". Yes, it would really help the prospective buyer to do a better and
safer job in selecting and putting up his tower. This concept has been
discussed here before in the context of compiling a database of all sorts of
tower failures, in great detail, so new users could avoid the mistakes of
others. Sounded like a wonderful idea to me, on the surface.
The downside to this is that this very same database, in the hands of any
"anti-tower" group such as a home owners association, city or county
planning commission, or just one neighbor who does not want you to have a
tower, can "prove" towers are inherently dangerous and fail all of the time.
The more complete the database, the better case the "anti-tower" groups can
make against ANY towers being allowed.
My suggestion is that if you gather this data, keep it a SECRET. If you
publish it, I think hamdom will NEVER hear the end of it, unfortunately.
There just won't be any way to keep this data from causing us great harm . .
. probably a lot more harm than good. I really wish this were not the case
. . . but we must face reality here . . .
----- Original Message -----
From: "Sherman Leifer" <Sherman@mscomputer.com>
To: <Towertalk@contesting.com>
Sent: Thursday, March 14, 2002 6:57 AM
Subject: [Towertalk] CRANK UP TOWERS
> I have been a Ham for over 47 years and have lived in many different
> I have had many crank up towers from various manufacturers over these
> years. During this time I have had three towers, where the cable has
> broken and the tower came down vertically destroying all the antennas and
> the tower itself. The latest just happened on an 89 foot crank up.
> The reason for this post is really to determine if others have experienced
> the same problems I have over a number of years, and to compile a list of
> towers by manufacturer and model numbers that I can then post the
> statistics for all to see.
> So, if you have had a crank up tower where the cable has busted and the
> tower then came down vertically, please send me an email letting me know
> your location by city, the tower Manufacturer and model number, and I will
> compile all the statistics and let everyone know the results.
> Please let me at this point, assure all of you that I will not mention
> anyones name or call sign in this report.
> Best 73 to all.
> Sherman
> (Soon to be W2FLA
> Reply to sherman@w4fla.com