[Towertalk] Re: [Towertalk]Crank-up questions

K7LXC@aol.com K7LXC@aol.com
Sat, 16 Mar 2002 09:56:48 EST

In a message dated 3/15/02 6:18:51 AM Pacific Standard Time, 
jljarvis@abs.adelphia.net writes:

> 1)  Anybody care to wade in on tubular type crankups?

    Wade in? Sure - they're great for their limited capacities. Aethetically 
pleasing as well - they just look like a big flag pole.

    What sort of questions did you have that needed to be answered? 
>  2)  WHAT has been used successfully as cable protection?
>  I've used Krylon aluminum paint, and allowed it to soak
>  the cable completely.  Then, touched it up with spray every
>  few times up and down.  This never quite dried...and the
>  tower was kept in the down state when not used, so the spray
>  was regularly renewed.  
>      Truthfully, that never seemed quite right, but it DID lube
>  where the cable went over the sheaves, and it DID seem to keep
>  water running off the cable.  
>      I'd really like some input here.
    Here's the info again:

    Use a cable lubricant. Not grease, not paint, not anything else. The 
cable lubricant will soak into the cable strands and not leave a film that 
will attract dirt and other nasty contaminants. Many materials will coat the 
outside but will do nothing to protect the inner strands. In addition, many 
times they'll trap water inside and it won't be able to escape, thus having a 
negative impact on service life as it promotes rusting from the inside.

Steve     K7LXC
Tower Tech