[Towertalk] deed restrictions
Gary K9GS
Gary K9GS" <GaryK9GS@wi.rr.com
Sat, 16 Mar 2002 16:10:07 -0600
----- Original Message -----
From: "Mike Lazaroff K3AIR" <K3AIR@arrl.net>
> When I sold real estate, I advised all my ham clients to avoid CC&R
> developments like the plague if they had *any* intention of staying on the
> air. Until these homeowner association nazis are reigned in, it's still a
> good idea.
Hi Mike,
This is precisely the crux of the problem. Here in Wisconsin, if you want
to purchase a lot in a development and build a new home you are just out of
luck. It is impossible to buy/build anything new without deed restrictions.
This doesn't just apply to the larger metropolitan areas near Milwaukee or
Madison but the whole state. These deed restrictions have been around long
enough that even if you were willing to settle for an older home you'd still
be out of luck.
Ironically, those living in larger cities like Milwaukee actually have it
easier putting up a tower....no CC&R's.
I've had people ask me about buying a farm and building a new home. This
might work in some cases but in most counties in Wisconsin you would then
fall under county zoning laws. County planning boards can sometimes be the
worst situation to overcome. The reason? It's ALWAYS easier to say NO than
to say yes.
Here in WI a state version of PRB-1 has just passed the Legislature and
awaits the Governor's signature. While it is likely to be signed into law,
and this is at least a step in the right direction, it still places the
financial burden on the ham in having to hire an attorney and enforce PRB-1.
PRB-1 has such a lack of teeth that one might still end up having to greatly
compromise one's antenna installation. This is after hiring an attorney and
paying the legal fees.
What's the solution? A federal pre-emption for Amateurs. I'm glad to see
the ARRL is finally pushing this issue but it is something that should have
been done many yeasrs ago.
Gary Schwartz email: k9gs@arrl.net
Check out K9NS on the web http://www.qsl.net/k9ns/
Society of Midwest Contesters (SMC) GMDXA