[Towertalk] It's not a spitfire...
Pete Smith
Mon, 18 Mar 2002 21:13:50 -0500
At 08:25 PM 3/18/02 -0500, jljarvis wrote:
>Seems I mis-applied the name which YCCC is using to describe a bent,
>sloping dipole array. A Spitfire, it's not.
>The system I contemplate consists of four sloping dipoles.
>The hoist for these is 1/2 wavelength above ground.
>At the feedpoint, the dipoles are pulled outward, on a 45 degree
>angle. THEN, the lower half is pulled back toward the tower base.
>Looks like an array of diamonds. (COULD also be simple slopers,
>not bent back inward.)
>These are each fed through 3/8 wavelength coax, such that unfed
>elements become reflectors.
>4x4nj has used one of these on 160 and on 80. Don't know what
>they're called, other than sloper arrays.
>SO, I repeat the question: Any personal experience? Comments?
Jim, I don't know if you saw my subsequent message, but I have one of these
for 80m. It's terrific for that band, but it cannot be compared with a
horizontal antenna -- even a dipole -- at 6.25-.750 wavelengths above
grtound, because of the 6 dB of ground reflection gain that the latter
enjoys. But for those of us whose resources are less than astronomical, it
is a GREAT solution!
73, Pete N4ZR
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