[Towertalk] Restrictions

WL7M joe@xyz.net
Tue, 19 Mar 2002 13:33:27 -0900

May I second that opinion!??  Living in remote Alaska certainly has it's 
benefits - NO CC&Rs, PRB-1 was incorporated into state law and allows me a 
200 foot tower, and anything else goes as long as the moose don't 
mind....although one of them knocked down my 80 meter antenna this 
winter....not sure what his objection was, but now the freezer's full!!  ;-)


At 12:49 PM 19-03-02, Tom Martin wrote:
>After reading all of these posts, thank God I live in Upper Michigan!
>My City Manager said that the FAA controls all towers in our area.  The
>city doesn't have any restrictions.
>Of course, this is not an invitation for any more hams to move into in
>my area.  HI!
>73, Tom
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