[Towertalk] SteppIR yagis?
Tue, 19 Mar 2002 20:58:19 -0600
Re: SteppIR remotely tunable HF antennas
It's an interesting concept. Of course there are some tradeoffs
with a fixed boom length of 16 ft (optimized for 15M) BUT,
there is a lot to be said for having 3 full size tunable elements
to cover the 5 amateur bands between 14 and 28 MHz
(and anything inbetween if needed for non amateur work).
They also make a 2L version and a high band tunable dipole.
For 80 and 40, separate antennas is a better choice unless
intermediate coverage is needed for some non amateur purposes.
80M antennas are just TOO BIG to fool with for most people.
2L "shorty forties" are effective loaded antennas that can be
accomodated on city lots in conjunction with high band antenna(s).
Tom N4KG
On Tue, 19 Mar 2002 "Mike Lazaroff K3AIR" <K3AIR@arrl.net> writes:
> I saw it at Dayton last year. Interesting. A friend of mine about
> 30 miles from me now has one. He loves it. He uses it on 10 thru 20
> as well as some oddball MARS frequencies in between. Says it works
> great on all. I haven't had a chance yet to go over to his place and
> it myself from there although I plan on doing so.
> I'd love to see a 40 or 80 verison :)
> 73, Mike K3AIR
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