[Towertalk] 80m dipole on small lot
Thu, 28 Mar 2002 17:07:10 -0600
Hello Jerry,
My understanding is that the G5RV can be fed with coax
and presents a 'reasonable' match on most bands that
can be handled my most tuners.
Feeding direct with ladder line is also a GOOD option,
but does require a tuner capable of matching balanced
line over a wide range of impedances. Feedline loss is
'probably' less with this approach. I have such an antenna
that I use on 80, 40, 30, 17, and 12M. I use a Johnson
Matchbox with 450 ohm ladderline on this 100 ft. antenna.
You can bend the ends (down, left, right) of an 80M dipole
to fit into shorter spaces but this may alter the pattern
if / when used on higher frequencies.
You may want to refer to the ARRL Antenna Book or
antenna modeling programs to examine the patterns
on each band, which will change with frequency.
Tom N4KG
On Thu, 28 Mar 2002 "jerryc" <jerryc@netscope.net> writes:
> Hello all
> Some time ago I asked for some info on small lot dipoles
> and got some great advice. I need just a little more direction.
> My tower is small (by ham standards) at 40' with a 10m 4el at 48'.
> My back yard is only 80' wide and 60' (48' usable) deep. On one
> side there is a 20' offset into my neighbors lot I may be able to
> use.
> I tried a 80m inverted vee hanging from the tower with the ends
> pulled toward two opposing corners. The ends were only about 8 to 10'
> above ground. Thats too low but if I raise the ends, they will extend
> past boundries. While at the Charlotte hamfest I got a G5RV
> (3.5 to 30mhz, 102' long, 31' of 450 ohm ladderline, coax to ladder
splitter). It fits nicely as an inverted vee on my small yard. I only
a short section of rg213 to conect to my remote coax
> switch. I have about 80 to 100' of rg213 (burried in conduit) from
> the switch to the station.
> Would I be better off running 450 ohm ladder line all the way to the
> tuner or is the
> 450 ohm ladder line to coax a better setup with the G5RV? I
> understand that there
> are many ways to do this, just looking for a good way to get started
> right. I work and travel alot and free time is limited. I enjoy
building and
> learning but rarely have time.
> Any thoughts or suggestions would be appreciated.
> Thanks
> JerryC KC8TES
> jerryc@netscope.net
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