[Towertalk] Anyone homebrew staggered monobanders on same boom???

Mark Beckwith swca@swbell.net
Thu, 09 May 2002 09:09:44 -0500

> Anyone make one themselves not store bought like force12.

Many people report good results putting 40M elements on their 20M yagi
booms.  I have done this about 3 times.  It works fine.  The old Wilson that
had 15/20 on one boom was also a good antenna.  The old Antenna book (or was
it the old Handbook?) had an actual construction article on a 10/15.

I have personally built a 10-15 and the antenna was a loser.

The 40-20 combination, however, is magical for some reason.  N6TR has also
done this several times.

At K6RR in the 70s we put seven 10 meter elements on a 3-element 40M Telrex.
Both bands were used at the same time with no problems of any kind.

Mark, N5OT