[Towertalk] HI SWR during rain - EXP-14
Frank Davis
Thu, 7 Nov 2002 21:19:07 -0000
Last summer I completely refurbished my 20 year old Explorer 14. =20
I cleaned the aluminium contact surfaces and took the traps apart
and cleaned them and replaced all rusty screws etc.
Recently after a particularly heavy rain and wind storm the SWR=20
went up on 20 and 15 to about 3:1. 10M SWR no change. After
a couple of days of drying in the wind the everything has returned=20
to normal......
I cranked the tower over and did a visual inspection and did have=20
to reposition the inside end caps back over the ends of the driven
element traps. They had vibrated out of place in the gusts. I=20
couldn't see any other issues to deal with.=20
Today it is raining and blowing again with a nice helping of wet snow
mixed in. The SWR is up again on 20/15 and no change on 10m. =20
I don't recall this happening in the past on this yagi and I wonder what =
is happening. The obvious answer is water in the traps.....but why=20
didn;t this happen in the past before I took everything apart to =
refurbish ?? =20
Also would the water cause this to happen if it gets into the driven=20
element traps only or would it happen if water is getting into the=20
parasitic traps and not the DE traps?? There is no change in SWR=20
on 10M ...there are no 10M traps in the DE ..... so I am assuming that
the problem must be water in the 20/15 DE traps. =20
Anyone with any ideas or comments.
Frank VO1HP
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