[Towertalk] Rohn

SGTOKIE@aol.com SGTOKIE@aol.com
Mon, 11 Nov 2002 18:59:39 EST

ok, here is my 2 cents worth.  i have been following rohn on the stock market 
for the past 6 months or so.  it is true rohn is downsizing, however, the 
enclosure division will be in mexico.  also another major hit to rohn was a 
few failures on the tapered poles.  apparently, welds have found to have 
cracks on 2 or 3 of the tapered poles.  this prompted rohn to recall a bunch 
of the tapered poles-no idea on how many.  rohn predicted a 2-3 year recovery 
from this...........i keep a close eye on the price and will probably buy 
some rohn stock soon.  

since rohn has been there for hams for many years, we should have faith in 
them.  also we will elect a new president and the market will 
recover,,,,,,just my 2 cents
david kd5qwo

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