[Towertalk] IS Boom length the HOLY GRAIL ?

Jim Reid jimr.reid@verizon.net
Sat, 16 Nov 2002 09:47:09 -1000

It was written:

> Put 1000 watts on the Quad and you have apprx. 900 watts. 
> Put 1000 watts on the same Yagi and you have aprrx 500 watts 
> out. The power is lost in resistive heat.

Really?  Then will the yagi elements sag from the tremendous
heat build up within them?  Never have seen that.  Do they
glow a dull red at night;  would very soon after 500 watts was
being dissipated,  mostly in the driven element.  Have you
heard of anyone getting burned while tuning up/testing a
yagi at power?  All three elements would get real hot with
that much resistive dissipation;  we know all the power is
going into the elements because most make sure they
have close to flat vswr into their antennas.

Where is evidence of some 50% power loss to resistive (heat)
dissipation within a yagi?

73,  Jim  KH7M