[Towertalk] tower mast = to pin OR not to pin

K7LXC@aol.com K7LXC@aol.com
Mon, 18 Nov 2002 11:24:51 EST

In a message dated 11/18/02 6:43:16 AM Pacific Standard Time, 
xppq@pyramid.net writes:

> HOW necessary is it to drill a PIN
>  thru the mast to insure that it does
>  not rotate???
>  Obviously , this might stress the rotor
>  given high winds - but it is unlikely
>  the yagis would rotate on the mast
    For years I've been NOT pinning masts because many times the mast slips 
in the rotator in the wind and it's easier to recalibrate the antennas than 
it is to do a rotor swap. 

    With big wind-induced torque and a pinned mast you're likely to find the 
next weak point in the rotator system - usually the transmission gears. This 
may be more of a problem with the Hy-Gain-type rotators. 

    Now with the M2 Orion rotator and the Yaesus though I've started to pin 
them. I have about 100% mast slippage with Orion rotors over a year's time 
and started pinning them in self-defense. Since it has a nice worm-gear 
arrangement, there's not much that'll break from wind-induced torque. The 
problem with the Yaesu's is that they're tough to get tight enough without 
breaking the mast clamp. 

Steve     K7LXC
Professional tower services for commercial and amateur