[Towertalk] How do you calibrate a CDE rotor?
Tue, 19 Nov 2002 08:08:05 EST
I have a CD45-II rotor, the control box is one with 3 levers (ccw, brake,
cw), an on/off switch, and a calibrate pot.
On the bench I set the rotor up so that it was on North when at the center of
it's range. Put it up and aimed the antenna North.
At either end stop the controller says South - the antenna is pointing South.
When the antenna is pointing North, the box says North.
If I turn it till the box says West, the antenna is pointing South of West.
If I turn it to East the antenna is pointing North of East.
I believe that there is something that I'm missing in the calibration
procedure, but have no idea what.
Can you help?
73, Don - K4BEV
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