[Towertalk] How do you calibrate a CDE rotor?

K4BEV@aol.com K4BEV@aol.com
Tue, 19 Nov 2002 17:25:04 EST

In a message dated 11/19/02 07:42:18 Central Standard Time, kb9cry@attbi.com 

> Turn the antenna all the way to the left, ccw.  Now push in the calibrate 
> button and the meter should swing over to the right side.  Turn the same 
> knob 
> so the meter lines up with the right side south position.  Now push in the 
> same 
> to know get out of the calibration.  Push it in but don't turn it while you 
> do 
> it.  All should be ok now.  Phil  KB9CRY

That did it. Thanks Phil, and to everyone who replied.
I would have never known that the calibrate pot had a button built in!

Also thanks for this list! It's been most helpful to me in many, many 

73, Don - K4BEV

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